Friday, January 18, 2008

Good to Great Committee Minutes

January 9, 2008




Tony Baldasaro                          Tom O’Malley

Carrie LaDue                           Diana Perry

Sarah Cook                              Chris Mazzone

Lauren McGrath                        Karen Whitmore

Carol Trecosta                          Liz Moran

Angela Bellantone                       Janet Prior

Tom Powley



Monica Greenleaf                     Kim Houghtaling

Dee Whall                               James Reilly

Jeanne Mantarian




  1. Co-chairs: Tony Baldasaro and Monica Greenleaf

  2. The implication of the committee’s name. Tony has received varied feedback, mostly from teachers giving examples of how we are already ‘great.’ Yes, we do have “pockets of greatness at CMS,” but we are not necessarily great as a whole organization.

  3. Concern: The achievement gap (as indicated by the Fall 2007 NWEA test results) shows an achievement gap between the highest and lowest achievers that is growing.

  4. Task: We need to develop a ‘plan’ for Dr. Hanson to present to the Board by April 2008. The plan should illustrate how we, at CMS, envision our path to greatness (keeping in mind the 3 R’s: rigor, relevance, and relationships.)

  5. Round-table ideas shared:

·      Despite a perceived ‘fear factor,’ we need to strive for candor among the staff and among our committee.

·      We need to support the ‘relationship’ piece as we strive toward academic greatness.

·      We need to be mindful of ‘mixed messages’ that are at times perceived by the staff and seek clarity of purpose.

·      We need to focus on coming up with solutions, rather than focusing on problems.

·      We (most likely) will require a commitment to funding more support staff to cover areas like lunch duties, study halls, etc., if we are to maximize common planning time within the content areas.

·      We may need to be ready to shift paradigms and throw out what we think we already know/believe about what’s best for students.

·      We need to commit the funding and time required (during the regular school day) to provide academic support to those students who need it.

·      We need to examine and list what we already do that we consider to be great and prioritize its value.

·      We need to define ‘great’ and determine how we will know we have achieved greatness.

  1. Task: Tony will initiate a forum on First Class for G2G committee members to facilitate communication.

  2. Next meeting:  Tom has provided release time on Monday, January 14 at 1:30 p.m. in the conference room or the cafeteria. Tony asks that we try to arrange internal team coverage for our last period class, but he will help with coverage, if needed.

  3. Next agenda:

    • To develop a vision for the committee’s purpose

    • To brainstorm what a great school looks like

    • To plan appropriate tasks for the January 30 Early Release